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Skills audit & swot

Task A - Skills Audit

A list of skills that i have developed over this whole media course so far, and also including skills i feel like i've done outside of my collage work as well. 

Personal Characteristics

For my personal characteristics, i feel like i've been able to express a lot of my personal ideas and emotions into the work that i've produced, mainly in terms of there quality as well as the story behind them, but not as much as i could have, which i want to improve on. 
With some of the factual TV production videos, with my "how to make tea short", which i feel like i managed to pull off really well with its quality. With implementing all the different aspects and details of it that i took from reading off the brief for that project, like with the different camera angles as well as the music in the background. All of which i feel like expressed my unique approach for making a short film, which i think will help me in the future for other projects. 

Another aspect of my personality, i feel like, was greatly increased from the previous FMP project that i just completed, where i actually felt like i was able to express my emotions into the 2D animation film that i produced for that project. And i think that it will continue to improve from there, as when i take on the animation course for next year, i'll be able to express my characteristics and emotions even more so, this FMP project made it so that i could have a feel for expressing this emotion that i have when making an animation for the first time, and it will be useful for when i continue to do so in the next year. 

Social and Personal Skills as well as Timekeeping and Organising

Over the year, i feel like i've improved a lot on my personal skills for doing all the tasks that i had to for this project, with my ability to produce work well and on time, like the for the previous projects stated above, as well as my animation skills, which is the thing i most wanted to achieve from doing this course.
For the exact skills for my animation that i improved on, from what i feel, is a general understanding for 2D animation with full body animation, as well as satisfying motions and visuals, which is one of the main subjects i made for my animation for my FMP project. I feel like i also improved on my knowledge for operating the software for making this film, the Adobe Animate program, with all of its features and tools which were useful for making the quality of the film better, and will be useful in the long term for making more animation films.

Another set of skills that i didn't expect to take away from this course this year was my organisation and writing ability, with getting tasks done in time before the due hand in date, and with evaluating and writing down the procedure on producing such said tasks, with all the projects that i've had to do, like the examples stated above, as well as practically all the other tasks i've done so far for this course. I really feel like i was able to express my working out and why i did what i did and what i could have done to make it better as well as what i think i did that was good. i never expected to be able to do all the work that i did with evaluating, so i'm really proud of it.

Skills, Soft and Hard

Soft Skills - For the soft skills that i developed throughout this course, i feel like i didn't improve much on the certain aspect of communicating and working with others that much. Personally, i never quite liked working with others as i get uncomfortable when having to work in a group. But that's how i originally felt like before getting on with this course, and after this course for this year, i actually feel like i managed to improve on this skill slightly, but only slightly, from how i was before, which i guess is still a pretty good improvement compared to how i was before. And i could still improve on this a lot more so. 
But for the other aspects of these skills, with presenting my work and the expressing ideas, i greatly excelled on, as stated in the paragraph above, which i'm extremely proud of.

Hard Skills - For most oft the aspects of the hard skills, i feel like i also excelled at. With familiarising myself with the softwares and programs that i needed to use for most of the tasks for this course, for the factual tv projects, with using premier pro, and my special effects, which i used after effects, and of course the for the animation for the FMP project, which i used the Animate, all of which are the Adobe programs. i feel like this experience with these tasks are useful for the future projects that will come ahead, but i still feel like i could have a bit more experience with some of these programs just to get a full understanding of how to navigate them and produce work at a higher standard. 
For other aspects of these skills, with writing scripts and story boards, i also feel like i improved on for most of the projects on this course, but could still be better made, for subjects like my factual tv work as well as for my animation for my FMP. 

Relevant Achievements

I can't state that there are many achievements that i earned for the past year, for in my collage course as well as outside, at least non that i consider to be that grand and useful for my future projects and work. Most of my notable achievements, that i would consider to be important are from practically all the tasks and projects that i produced for this project. With my Production 2 task for the factual tv stuff, with the final film i produced at the end of that page, as well as all the other videos and films on that page on my blog. And on my and FMP project with my final animation, which i didn't think was that amazing, but it was still a pretty big achievement for myself.
As well as practically all of the other films and videos i made over the year, which i consider to be my biggest achievements so far. 

Experience and Interests

In honesty, I didn't have many new and solid experiences throughout this year to do with the subjects I was doing in these subjects. With the experiences of the various videos and tasks that was presented to me when doing the work, with making the short films for the factual tv stuff, and for the other things with the visual effects and the animation.
But other than that, I didn't do much more outside of the collage. Besides, on occasions, watching some general tv shows, and films over the course of my life that related to some of the subjects at the collage.
As well as having my personal hobby of making animations at times, built of stories and themes from my own imagination, that related to my chosen subject for my FMP project, animation, which is practically the only thing in this whole course that I like, and was the best at doing at that time. 

Task B - SWOT Analysis

Writing another list of analysis on myself for the SWOT subjects, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. 


After going through this whole media course at this collage, I have developed a lot of different skills from it that I plan to be useful for my future occupation. 
Most of these skills that i feel comfortable doing include being able to present my work in a high quality way, with evaluation and describing my process in a descriptive way. And also presenting all my research that i used to get to the final product, and describing what i found useful and what i didn't. 

I also feel like i have better control over most of the resources and tools i used to make most of the content for this course, with softwares like the Adobe programs, and finding research on the internet and websites that will help improve on my knowledge for using programs. 

I also feel that i now have a much bigger scope of my projects, for what i think i am capable of doing, with what i can't do and the things that i can, in relation to my FMP project, where i felt as though i stretched myself to far for and was unable to produce the complete project that i had planned for. 


For my weaknesses, i feel like there are still some things on most of the programs i mentioned before that i still can't fully navigate and access properly, to produce and even better quality version of my work. I have some basic knowledge of the programs as stated above, but i feel like i could do better. 

i also find that i still can't work that cooperatively in a group. I still feel uncomfortable when working in a group project. Though that doesn't mean i physically can't work with in a group, and produce a still good enough piece of work, i feel that if i interacted more with my team mates, and take into account more of their ideas and personal characteristics, we would be able to work better, and make better products. 


I feel like there are a lot of possible opportunities and courses that will be available to me for the future with this current subject that i'm on. With planning to go onto a high grade university in the future to increase on my animation skills, as well as part taking in an online course. And with there being a lot of job rolls in the world for all types of animation styles, which i find useful, as i particularly like to work on 2D animation as a hobby, which used to be an obsolete, and primitive version of animation in the growing media industry, with more high tech versions of animation taking over with 3D and CGI. But now, with it coming back in multiple variations of films and videos in the world, i feel like there is hope for me and my ideal career for a 2D animator. As well as those types of courses being taught at the various universities that i looked at when searching on the UCAS site, as well as on the online courses that i also looked at, which is also useful to me in my long term plan. 


Personally, i don't really think there are any immediate threats that i thin i will face when going on this long term course that i have planned. No financial problems (which will be provided by my parents), or resources that i will be missing (as most of it will be on monitors and programs on those monitors). 
And like i stated above, with my ideal animation style going to be 2D, it wont be a problem or much of an obstacle for me for finding an occupation or job roll for this in the future, as this particular style of animation is returning to the visual media industry in the world and becoming more popular again.

The only real obstacles and problems that i think i'll face will be my own self confidence and ability to submit to these tasks for the future in university and for a job roll. Personally, i still find it a bit overwhelming and slightly scary to progress in this stage in my life and moving on, basically. 

Task C - Personal and Professional Development Oppertunities

Writing yet another list to describe all the options and basic skills that i personally want to improve on for the future, for things that i feel still need to be improved for this general course, as well as things i want to be good at but aren't quite.  

There are a numerous number of skills that i, personally, think i could improve on for many of the tasks and subjects that involve around making a 2D animation film, and also generally in any animation based video. 
One of the main things that i would like to get better at, as stated in the paragraphs above is to have a much wider understanding and knowledge of operating all the different high tech softwares and programs for making animations, with all their different tools and features. For programs like the Adobe ones, with Animate, but also with the other ones like Premier Pro, After effects and Photoshop, which i want to learn how to use as to implement the various different features that they offer to the original animation film that i made in the first place, to increase the quality of the film, with things like lighting, backgrounds and sounds, which might not be so high tech on just the Animate software. 

Other programs that i want to get a hand on are the ones that work around 3D animation than 2D, as i also want to try and increase my knowledge in that area of films as well. All to have a wider range and experiences and skills in the different visual medias so that i can work in many different subjects and occupations for the future if i wanted to.

I think another skill set that i could improve on would be my ability for writing the narrative and story behind my animation films. As i think improving on my ability to make good animations is a section in itself, the plot in them could also have some work done in, as the example from my FMP project, i thought the plot in my animation was sloppy and not that entertaining. 

Another thing that i could do better, as stated in the paragraphs above was get better with working in a group, and cooperating better. As i know that this will be an important aspect of working in the future if i want to progress on my skills on this for future university tasks as well and my job.

One last thing that i wanted to improve on, which is a bit more of a random skill compared to the others, is the skill to submit myself a bit more frequently at time to time over the years. Whilst i'm doing my collage tasks for next year, or for university after that, i could apply for some online course or part time job application to put myself more out into the world of the media industry, to get a better feel for it in general. 

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